The Way of St James in Vendôme

Embark on a spiritual journey along the Via Turonensis, a path that stretches for just over 1000 kilometers, linking the Saint-Jacques Tower in Paris to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, and making a remarkable stop in Vendôme, a jewel in the Loire Valley.

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The Via Turonensis, named after the shrine dedicated to Saint Martin in Tours, has been a supreme place of pilgrimage since the High Middle Ages. With its gentle, accessible gradients, this path is a favorite of cyclists, although it can also be explored on foot or horseback, offering a felicity and grace to the journey.

After leaving Paris, the path divides into two branches, passing through either Chartres or Orléans, before converging at Tours. It forms a single route that serves as a natural and historic pathway, linking northern Europe and the kingdom of France to the Pyrenees, and passing through architectural and natural wonders, including the Chateaux of the Loire such as Chambord.

Vendôme, with its rich soul and dazzling heritage, offers pilgrims a moment of respite and excitement on their way to Compostelle. It's a stopover that not only allows you to recharge your batteries, but also to explore the town's hidden treasures, from its castles to its charming alleyways.

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What if you were to embark on the dream of a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela? It's an adventure that requires preparation and effort, but also offers an unforgettable exploration of the beauty of France.